Product Code: 0726436193559
Available: Yes

In 2006, Ags Connolly saw James Hand - the relatively obscure Texan honky tonker, likened to a ghost from country music's past - perform in London - Then later in Fort Worth, then London once more - While he would meet and witness 'Slim' again in the future, those first encounters proved critical to the path Ags took in music. If I didn't know I was country, then that made up my mind, he later wrote in the song I Saw James Hand.

The English troubadour began by selecting the songs from Slim's back catalogue that spoke to him the most. Then he brought bass player Anna Robinson and drummer Robert Pokorny into Woodworm Studios in Oxfordshire, England to lay down a framework for the tracks. That allowed Ags to begin the process of recruiting key performers from James Hand's career to complete the instrumentation for what would become Your Pal Slim: Songs of James Hand.


  1. In The Corner, At The Table, By The Jukebox
  2. The Pain Of Loving You
  3. Baby, Baby, Don’t Tell Me That
  4. Lesson In Depression
  5. Shadows Where The Magic Was
  6. My Witness
  7. Over There, That’s Frank
  8. Midnight Run
  9. You Were With Me Then
  10. My Heart’s Been Cheatin’ On Me
  11. Men Like Me Can Fly
  12. Corner Of My Street


Tags: Your Pal Slim Songs of James Hand Ags Connolly